mercredi, 8 mai 2024|

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Sang pour sang, mais en anglais... Du très bon hardcore avec Blood for blood !

Date de publication :
Mots clés :
  • New-York hardcore / NYHC
  • Outlaw Anthems
  • Rocksound
  • White Trash Anthem

  • J’aime beaucoup le hardcore de New-York (NYHC), il est lourd, rythmé et bourrin à souhait. J’ai eu un gros coup de coeur il y a plusieurs années pour un groupe de cette mouvance. Il s’agit de "Blood for blood". Assez discret, ils n’ont qu’une page facebook et un myspace (Si si, il existe encore !)

    Un jour sur une compilation de (feu) Rocksound [1], j’entends ça !

    Si vous voulez suivre, voici les paroles !

    This is a song. On the subject of class envy.
    Pure and simple. The "haves" versus the "have nots"

    Let’s go !

    Have you ever prayed to the night sky ?
    Under one of them cold street lights ?
    Watched another stolen car drive then lose your hope and say "This is where I’ll die" ?

    But you try to say you know me.
    But you try to say you’re from my world.
    Well, have you ever gone to sleep to the sounds of the gunshots, sirens, and violence all alone ?

    They want to break me down. I hope I can hold my ground.

    Your world is MTV. Spring breaks and ecstasy.
    You got your hopes and you’ll get your dreams.
    Well, that choice wasn’t there for me.

    My world remains unseen by you.
    Poverty and no family,
    Broken homes and broken dreams,
    I fall upon the thorns of life. I bleed.

    They want to break me down. I won’t back down.
    They try to break me down. I hope I can hold my ground.

    I ain’t I your kind of white. I ain’t that kind of white.
    I’ll never be your kind of white, I’ll never be your kind ’cause you made me outcast.

    I ain’t your kind of white. I’ve never been your kind of white.
    I ain’t that kind of white ’cause I’m a lowlife outcast piece of white trash.

    Five years on down the road (you’ve got) two kids and a high paying job,
    (with a) picket fence and a college degree.
    Well, that choice wasn’t there for me.

    This path on which I walk : it ain’t a game and it ain’t all talk.
    This is all I ever had.
    This is all they ever let me have.

    I ain’t ever been nor will I ever be another blind eye in society.
    I seen the way it was for the people like me.
    I seen the way it was for the families so...

    Have you ever prayed to the night sky ?
    Under one of them cold street lights ?
    Watched another stolen car drive by and lost your hope and said "This is where I’ll die" ?

    I ain’t I your kind of white. I ain’t that kind of white.
    I’ll never be your kind of white, I’ll never be your kind ’cause you made me outcast.

    I ain’t your kind of white. I’ve never been your kind of white.(No way !)
    I ain’t that kind of white ’cause I’m a lowlife outcast piece of white trash.

    If you’re offended by this song.... Well im fucking offended by the way i had to grow up.
    So who’s really been slighted.

    Let’s go !

    Have you ever prayed to the night sky ?
    Under one of them cold street lights ?
    Watched another stolen car drive then lose your hope and say "This is where I’ll die" ?

    I never had enough money ! Or enough Privilige to be white !Im white trash !
    And society better learn how to recognize the difference.

    Il s’agit du titre "White Trash Anthem" de l’album "Outlaw Anthems" sorti en 2002. Je me prends une claque dans la gueule et j’achète leurs disques dans la foulée.
    C’est du lourd, du très lourd et ça décrasse les boomers des enceintes !

    Ils ont même repris une autre chanson, parmi les classiques, en la rendant plus lourde qu’elle n’est (et pourtant !)

    Discographie :
    1997 : Spit My Last Breath (Lost Disciple Records)
    1998 : Revenge on Society (Victory Records)
    1999 : Livin’ in Exile (Victory Records)
    2002 : Outlaw Anthems (Victory Records)
    2004 : Serenity (Thorp Records)

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    [1Qu’est ce que j’ai pu découvrir comme groupe et acheter comme disque avec cette revue dédiée à ma musique !

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